Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall is here

It's hard to believe that we are already in November! I am trying to decide where my September and October went. Jens has been very busy. He walks, he talks, he is opinionated and a royal pain in the rear J For anyone who knows our drama, Jens is still not a good sleeper.his average wake time 5 am if we are having a good night, the bad nights are awake for 2 hours or more starting around 2-3 am. I signed up for a baby, but at 2 am when all my friends with babies are sleeping this is what I know I didn't sign up for! But as my newest parenting slogan goes "it is what it is"

Despite that Jens is charming, oh the charm! The cute is the only thing that saves him most days. He say "hi" hi-ya" "hey there" and several other words, his favorite is "kitty cat" Jens has been feeding himself and is very insistent on eating all by himself and let me just tell you it's a mess! I spend more time soaking, bleaching, and praying the stains come out – but he's a happy child.

Grandma Betty came to town and we had a nice visit to the "Pumpkin Patch" really we walked down to the local nursery and took photos. We went to a pumpkin patch the weekend before, but Jens melted down before we could get any photos with pumpkins, but there are nice photos with sunflowers.

Enjoy the fall! The Oregon rains started this weekend at cyclocross, I will post some mud photos!

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